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Back to School - All You Need to Know

The safety of our teachers and staff, students, our parents, and anyone who enters TIA’s building is a number one priority. We take the covid-19 pandemic very seriously and we are closely following the guidelines set by the CDC and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Traveling out of state

If students or staff members have traveled outside of Massachusetts to a restricted state (please check the state of Massachusetts website for updates) in the past 14 days, they must schedule a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test 4-6 days after returning to Massachusetts and email the test result to the school office.

Entering the Building

Only students and staff are allowed to enter the building. Students and staff must wear a face mask or covering upon entry.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Each student will go through screening point at the entry point of the building. Drop-Off:

  1. Drop off period 7:55 AM - 8:10 AM

  2. Parents should pull into the school parking lot as they normally would.

  3. Students should not get out of the car until they have had their temperature check.

  4. Parents should not get out of the car at all.

  5. Masks should be on for the temperature check.

  6. Students will not be permitted to stay in school if temperature check fails

  7. Once a student is screened, he/she can enter the building if not they go back with their parents/ guardians.

  8. Students will sanitize/wash their hands

  9. Students will be going to their classroom under the supervision of a staff member (depending on age)

Late Arrivals

The Late Arrival drop off follows the same Drop-off procedure.

  1. Parent(s) or student should buzz the door and return and stay in the car

  2. Students should not get out of the car until they have had their temperature check.

  3. Parents should not get out of the car at all.

  4. Masks should be on for the temperature check.

  5. Students will not be permitted to stay in school if temperature check fails

  6. Once a student is screened, he/she can enter the building if not they go back with their parents/ guardians.

  7. Students will sanitize/wash their hands

  8. Students will be going to their classroom under the supervision of a staff member (depending on age)

  9. Students who buzz the door without a parent will not be admitted.

Afternoon Pick-up

  1. Pick-up period 2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

  2. Parents should come into the school parking lot off of Arnold Street and pull all the way down the exit driveway to the Pre-K3 building.

  3. Students will be called one car at a time and exit the building via the back door.

  4. Once the first car is loaded, it should leave so the next student can be called.

  5. If you want to do an early pick-up before 2:20 pm, notify the office ahead of time and call the school when you arrive and your child will be brought out to your car.

  6. Parents should not enter the building.

Late Pick-up

  1. Please pick up your child on time.

  2. Parents should call the school if they arrive after the pick-up period (only due to any unavoidable circumstances) and your child will be brought out to your car.

  3. We strictly do not encourage late pick-ups.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Each day after school our custodian will disinfect all desks, tables, chairs, and shared common areas, bathrooms and objects including light switches, doorknobs, railings.

When cleaning is happening during the morning students will remain at a safe distance while areas are being disinfected, with extra care being taken. Cleaning products will be stored in a safe manner, away from students. Items that are difficult to clean and disinfect will be removed from the classrooms (for example, soft toys for early education). Students will have their own materials through the day (pens, pencils, markers, etc.).

Hand washing

Students and staff will wash their hands on a regular basis including but not limited at the following times:

  • Before snack and lunch

  • After using the bathroom.

  • As needed.

Hand sanitizers are also available to students and staff. Students are also welcomed to bring their own hand sanitizer.

Physical Distancing

The Islamic Academy will follow guidance from the CDC regarding physical distancing.

Outdoor spaces will be utilized for recess. The play ground will be closed. When indoors, students will continue to follow physical distancing guidelines. Windows will be opened as often as possible (weather permitting) to encourage ventilation. Dividers will be used to assist students in physical distancing in some classrooms as needed.

Masks/Face Coverings*

Masks covering the mouth and nose will be worn at all times during the day by both staff and students. If your child cannot wear a mask due to health related matters please let us know. During these times, children and staff will be spread at least 6 feet apart.

Exceptions to wearing a mask are below:

  • When eating or drinking

  • Designated mask breaks

  • Nap/rest times for early childhood students

Students and staff are required to provide their own masks from home and should bring at least two back-up masks each day. Extra masks will be available in the office for emergency use. Students and staff should wear/bring clean masks each day. Masks with valves, neck gaiters and bandanas are not allowed for mask/face coverings.

Wudu and Salat

For the safety of our students and staff, there will be no Wudu or Salat at The Islamic Academy for peace for the remaining of the year. Students will pray at home after school.

Group Sizes at School

We will follow both the CDC and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)guidance regarding group sizes for both early childhood classes size and elementary/middle classrooms. These groups will remain together through the school day (no mixing of groups) and will be the same every day. Staff members will remain with their same group every day. If staff members rotate through classes, they will wash their hands upon entering and exiting each classroom, will follow physical distancing guidelines, and will disinfect all items and areas they touched after use.

Student/Staff Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-19 at School

In the event a student and/or staff exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 in our school, we will follow direct guidance from the Department of Public Health and DESE. Our goal is to remain transparent and to continue to provide updates to our community in order to keep everyone healthy and safe. If a student/staff falls ill while at school, the following will take place:

  1. The student/staff will continue to wear a face covering or mask, be separated from other students/staff, and will immediately be sent to the COVID-19 isolation room Portable A.

  2. Spaces used by the ill person will be cleaned and disinfected.

  3. The student/staff will be sent home to check with their primary care provider and to be tested for COVID-19, and will remain at home while awaiting results.

  4. The school will close for the following day to perform a deep cleaning. Parents will be notified and students will have remote learning for that day.

  5. If test is positive:

  • Remain at home for 10 days out from the start of the symptoms, AND

  • Fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, AND

  • Symptoms have improved

  • Notify the school office and teacher.

  • In the event of multiple cases of positive COVID-19 the school will close and we will move to all school distance learning for at least 10 consecutive days.

  • When we receive news of a positive test, we contact the Department of Public Health immediately and begin our tracing and communication protocols with community members.

If a Student or Staff Member is Symptomatic

  • If at home, stay home and get tested.

  • If at school, immediately student/staff will be sent home and get tested.

  • If test is negative: student/staff can return to school when feeling better.

  • If test is positive: follow # 4 (If test is positive) above.

  • If student/staff is not getting tested: quarantine for 10 days.

  • Inform school office of symptoms and testing status.

What to do if you have been in close contact to a COVID-19 positive individual

Students, teachers, and staff who have been close to someone with COVID-19 should not return to in-person school until they have completed their 10 day quarantine. In each situation where an individual has been identified as a close contact, we will work directly with that family and the local board of health to determine the appropriate plan.

The classroom students where a COVID 19 case was confirmed will remain home doing online classes and self-isolation until the quarantine period of 10 days has passed. The office personnel will try to find the people who had close contact with the person/people who were positive and have them also do online classes until the quarantine period of 10 days has passed. Other classes will resume their in person. Testing is recommended for people who have been in close contact with an infected student. Teachers, staff are not required to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms.

After this period , individuals can resume their normal daily routines, including attending school/work, but must continue to monitor for symptoms. If any symptoms develop during this time, the individual will revert back to a strict quarantine until the end of another 10 days.

At home positive case

We ask parents to keep us updated and to do the health questionnaire every morning before school. If there is a positive case at home, the family must inform the school. We will then follow the above at school procedures.

Please be aware that these are general guidelines that we will be following as a school. All of our plans remain contingent upon health, safety, and guiding feedback from medical and scientific professionals; their expert guidance will serve as the deciding factor for TIA's steps forward. This is a complex problem-solving moment, and we are up for the challenge. There is light at the end of this tunnel, and every day we move closer to being together again.

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